Assistant Professor
George Mason University
Dept. of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences
NOAA Climate & Global Change
Postdoctoral Fellow
Oregon State University
PhD in Geoscience
University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2017 - 2021)
MSc in Geology
West Virginia University
(2015 - 2017)
BA in Professional Geology with Honors
Ohio Wesleyan University
(2011 - 2015)
Brittany N. Hupp, PhD
Welcome to my page! I am an assistant professor at George Mason University in the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences (AOES). As a geoscientist, I use the tools of micropaleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and low-temperature geochemistry to answer questions about past climates, ocean conditions, and marine biota. I'm interested in exploring the dynamic interplay between ocean-climate and ecological change, working to improve our proxy toolkit to investigate past environmental change, and investigating potential biases that influence our interpretations of rock and fossil records. At heart, I love cooking, being artfully creative, and fossil hunting with my geoscientist partner, our geologist-in-training son, and our dog, Darwin.
I am actively recruiting undergraduate and graduate students to join my lab at GMU, so please reach out if you are interested! Click the linked words to read more about our undergraduate and graduate programs in the AOES department at George Mason.